Thursday, April 29, 2010

Things happening in my life

It has been quite some times since my last post. I was on a trip to Europe and got back just a week ago. I've been trying to catch up with school and work. It's been almost the end of the semester. Time flies!.

I have a couple of things about Java I want to write. But I'll keep it for later post since I want this post to be less technical. So, this post will be about random things that came to my mind.

The volcanic eruption in Iceland happened just a few days before I took my flight back home. I was in Rome that time and the flights did not affect me. But my parents were flying from Rome to Amsterdam and their flight was canceled. I had to make phone calls and change the trip plan and reservations. I couldn't imagine what would I do if there's no internet. Had same thing happened to us ten years before, we would have been totally lost as of what to do. But nowadays, with internet and our communication system, changing flight was easy and they didn't have to spend time at the airport at all.

Tomorrow, we're having a conference at NYU. It's annual event of High school girls in NYC about Computer Science and Engineering. It was co-organized by NYU's Women in Computing and Princeton's GWISE. This is a great opportunities for those high school girls to be involved in since there were presentations, discussions and talks about Computer Science and Engineering. Topics such as what you can you do as an engineer or computer scientist, how can you apply for scholarships and what types of background you should have. Here's the link if you are interested :

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